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Di mana kita bisa nonton film asal Kamboja, Laos, Myanmar dan Vietnam? Produksi film gugusan tetangga jauh kita itu memang belum terlalu banyak, walaupun bukan karena mereka lebih belakangan memproduksi film. Tahukah kamu: Raja Norodom Sihanouk dari Kamboja sempat membuat 50 film sepanjang hidupnya! Minatnya terhadap film sudah tumbuh sejak kecil, akibat sering diajak orangtuanya nonton bioskop. Lucunya, ia baru giat membuat film setelah diangkat jadi Raja Kamboja.


Terinspirasi dua hal itu lah --langkanya kesempatan mengintip film gugusan negara Indocina (selain Thailand), serta semangat dan kecintaan terhadap film-- saya menyusun segmen unik ini. Ms. Tu Hau adalah film klasik yang sering dianggap sebagai adikarya sinema Vietnam. Eleven Men (Vietnam) dan Behind the Screen (Myanmar) disusun dari potongan film lama untuk menyampaikan narasi baru. Sedangkan lewat Golden Slumbers (Kamboja), Love in Cinema (Myanmar) dan Getting Lao’d (Laos), para pembuat film berusaha menjabarkan sejarah dan pergerakan film di negara mereka masing-masing. Ayo kita simak bersama... kapan lagi?



Where can we see films from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam? Films produced from that part of our region are somewhat lack exposure, despite their lengthy film history. Do you know that Norodom Sihanouk, the King of Cambodia, made 50 films?! His interest in films started early, due to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents; and yet it was not until he was King that he made films.


Inspired by the scarce opportunity to examine films from these countries, and our shared love for films, I programmed this special segment. Ms. Tu Hau (Vietnam) is a classic, considered as a gem of world cinema. Eleven Men (Vietnam) and Behind the Screen (Myanmar) are edited from old-film stocks to convey new narration. While in Golden Slumbers (Cambodia), Love in Cinema (Myanmar) and Getting Lao’d (Laos), the filmmakers share the film history of their country. Not an opportunity to be missed.



Juru Program


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