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Jali Joni

Jali tidak bisa, dan tidak diajak, bermain seperti anak-anak lainnya, bahkan oleh kakaknya sendiri. Maka ia memilih sendiri temannya, yang mau mendengar curhatnya bahkan meskipun sambil mengunyah tanpa henti. Ya, teman baru Jali adalah seekor kambing. Masalahnya, saat itu Idul Adha sudah menjelang.


Jali could not, and not invited to play along with his peers, not even from his brother. So he chose his own friend, the one who’s willing to listen affectionately, and want to go along with him. Not a problem when the friend in question does so while munching endlessly. Yes, Jali’s new friend is a goat. Not a problem, since he’s more trustworthy than most. The problem is, the Eid for sacrificing festive is approaching .

Sutradara Isha Hening & Emil Heradi | Pemeran Aji Santosa, Pipien Putri | Negara Indonesia | Jenis Fiksi | Tahun 2008 | Durasi 22 menit | Bahasa Indonesia | Subteks Bahasa Inggris | Format Digital | Klasifikasi Usia SU


  • Official Selection | Jakarta International Film Festival 2008, Indonesia

  • Official Selection | Goelali Children's Film Festival 2009, Indonesia

  • Official Selection | I've Seen Films, International Short Film Festival 2009, Italia

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