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Amarta (Gadis & Air)
Bermula dari A | Starting from A
Brandal-Brandal Ciliwung
Cahaya Dari Timur: Beta Maluku | We Are Moluccans
Jali Joni
Kapur Ade | Little Sister's Chalk
Lebah dan Nektar | The Flower and the Bee
Pippi dan Sebatang Pohon
Rindu Kami PadaMu | Of Love and Eggs
Say Hello to Yellow
Senyum di Pagi Bulan Desember
Sepatu Baru | On Stopping the Rain
Si Doel Anak Betawi
Sokola Rimba
Tiga Dara
Untuk Rena | Dear Rena
Going to School | Villads fra Falby
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